Kidney & Bladder III Capsules - Our Botanicals Australia

Kidney & Bladder III Capsules


An Herbal Formula of:

* Buchu Leaf
* Cordyceps (agaricus)
* Goldenrod
* Juniper Berry
* Parsley Leaf
* Pipsissewa
* Hydrangea Root
* Couch Grass Root
* Burdock Root
* Cleavers Herb
* Dandelion Leaf
* Cornsilk

These herbal formulas were created to alkalize (remove inflammation), clean, strengthen, and regenerate the kidneys and bladder tissues. They are function enhancers. I and III were designed specially to increase lymph cleaning throughout the kidney channels. II and IV are used more as strong diuretics.

Sorry, This formula is out of stock just now :(