Dr Robert Morse’s Lymphatic System Tonic IV Capsules
Traditional Uses
Detoxification, swollen lymph nodes, tumors, boils, cysts, tonsillitis, cancer (all types, esp. lymphomas), AIDS, toxemia, sepsis of the blood, sinus congestion, lung congestion, chemical poisoning, snake or insect bites, glaucoma, poor hearing, poor vision, cloudy vision and/or floaters, all skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc.), enlarged glands, hardening of the liver, syphilis (all venereal diseases), dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, hemorrhoids, colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, any lung issues, gangrene, tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, catarrh issues, cellulitis, cataracts, inability to sweat, sore throat. Use in inflammatory and congestive conditions.
Avoid during early pregnancy. It is strongly recommended that the Kidneys & Bladder formula be used with this formula.
Monica Lubanska –
Lymphatic System IV Capsules really pack a punch in cleaning and strengthening the sewer system of the body and enhancing immunity. When I used this formulation it was to dig deeper into shifting lymphatic congestion and tissue inflammation (Acidosis) which were the causative factors of my painful fibrocystic breasts. In conjunction with Kidney support to filter out the wastes the Lymphatic System IV Capsules were shifting, I can happily say that almost six years in on raw and my breasts are now barely tender prior to my monthly cycle. Alongside a high fruit raw vegan lifestyle, Dr Morse’s number “IV” Lymphatic Capsules specifically use powerful astringents to draw and pull on the lymphatic tissues and organs in order to shift obstructions, also containing anti-cancer herbs to protect the body on your journey back to health.